Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Media about Us. Se "Makarivsky forestry". Where and how to buy legal Christmas trees?

Recently, in the State enterprise "Makarivsky Forestry" We received journalists of "Inter" channel.

Where and how to buy high-quality Christmas tree was told by the main forest GP "Makariv Forestry" Sergei Kondratsky.

From the bulk to the plantation of New Year's tree we have passed the way of their growth and care. The journalists sincerely interested in forestry in particular the direction of the preparation and realization of the festive soenok and fir-trees. 

We told about the workpiece and processing of the cones, the cultivation of the seedlings of pine breeds and their transfer to the open ground.

A lot has been said about the protection of plantations, raids and penalties for unauthorized chopping.