Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Media about us. Together with the Inter TV channel we studied the problem of pin injection.

09 August 2018 together with "Inter" TV channel we visited SE "Ivankivsky forestry".

The question of the drying of pine tree is actual as ever.

Scientists, LIKSIVNYKY once again gathered to convey to the public the existence of the problem, the scale of which is impressive.

According to the latest data, the area of the populated pests of pine forests, subordinate to the state Lisamhenitnia, reaches about 395.5 thousand. Ha.

Virtually naked eye can observe the dynamics of increasing areas of the affected tree diseases.

Weakening of the protective functions of trees caused by a number of factors, including Climatic changes and decrease of groundwater levels, help to settle the pests and as a derivative of the tree. The main method of localization of cells and struggle against proliferation of "biological fire" is the discovery and removal of sick trees. Timely selective and solid sanitary chopping at present is practically the only way to save the forest.

With the purpose of acquaintance with the work of forestry we visited a hotbed of Billoersk forestry, where correspondents saw the process of growing planting material of ornamental and forest breeds.



In areas with forest 1-3 of the rivers (small seedlings of pine trees usual and Acorn oak usual), we clearly showed the conditions of development of future forests.

Scientists and specialists forestry spoke about the methods of pest control and the consequences of their destructive activity.

At the end of the meeting with the channel "Inter", director of SE "Ivankivsky forestry" Alexander Kalapats


emphasized the importance and necessity of regularly informing the public about the problems that exist in the forest industry on the question of pin-up, and ways to combat this phenomenon.