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State Enterprise "Dymersky forestry". Cherish «New Year Beauties»!!!

 New Year-a favorite holiday of most people. Long before the holiday there is a feeling of euphoria and expectation of miracles that will only bring beautiful in the new year. But the main element, without which it is impossible to create a holiday atmosphere-Christmas tree.

So, before the new Year's holidays, the issue of buying a Christmas tree is gaining. Who is especially reluctant to present themselves and their loved ones, and especially children in the festive mood, rush to buy and decorate Christmas tree already long before the holidays.

It should be noted that mass illegal harvesting of fir-trees in the New Year holidays is a one-off problem both in Ukraine, in general, and in our region. Agree, few people are interested in how these babes fall into our dwellings. And some will manage to gimmicks, committing offenses and leaving fir-trees in the forest without proper permission, causing much damage.

In the new year period the reinforced measures of protection and preservation of coniferous forest plantings, fir-tree plantations and plots of especially valuable softwood are introduced. There was organized special raids from forest protection workers with participation of MIA and Ministry of Nature.

Thus, the arbitrarily cut wood is imposed a fine of 85-170 UAH, as well as the reimbursement of the forest damage. The amount of damage is calculated according to the thickness of the shaft of the cut wood and can reach from 453.93 to 799, 89 hryvnias.

To ensure our Krajan legally prepared by the New Year's Christmas tree DP "Dymerskoye Forestry" will organize a Christmas market already from December to the address: S. Katyushka, Shevchenko 1. The cost of fir-trees will vary depending on height and will be from 90 to 240 USD. To prevent the realization of illegally prepared fir-trees the labeling of all legally prepared trees self-adhesive labels with a number and bar code is introduced. Everyone can learn about the origins of the New Year's Christmas tree by entering a number of self-adhesive labels or tags on the site Free.

And therefore we ask with a request to all the inhabitants and guests of our land: be conscious, do not buy a Christmas tree, which can be preparedness with violation of legislation.

Director of SE «Dymerske Forestry»

V. I. Glushchenko

HTTPS://DYMERLG. com. ua/fileadmin/user_upload/Price list. Pdf