Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
Hot lines
State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

March 30, hosted by the Kyiv regional bar m. Kiev management of forestry and hunting economy.

March 30, 2018, under the chairmanship of the head of Alexei Boiko in Kyiv Oblast and m. The city administration of forestry and hunting economy Board meeting took place with the participation of Deputy Chief and chiefs of departments of management, directors of enterprises.

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The Board also accepted the participation of invited: Already in. -Chief State Inspector of the Department of supervision of AIC and SCS main administration of Deržpracì in Kyiv Oblast and the city of Kiev; Gruzevič S. – Head of the Department of supervision of AIC and SCS main administration of Deržpracì in Kyiv Oblast and the city of Kiev; Savuŝik M. P. – representative of the UkrNDLGA, the Deputy Director on scientific work of SE «Kyiv LNDS "; Šlončak G, And. – representative of the UkrNDLGA, senior researcher of the scientific part of the State Enterprise "Kyiv LNDS"; Cûcûra O.m. – Chief Ranger DP Kyivska LNDS "; Degtâr L Etc. – The head of the regional organization of the Trade Union of workers of forestry; Coastal Oleg – Chairman of the public Council at the Kiev oblast and m. Kiev management of forestry and hunting economy.

According to the agenda of issues:
1. About the consequences of fires period 2017, and the task of forestry enterprises by strengthening and ensuring the protection of forests from fires in the year 2018.
2. State labour protection by the year 2017 and 2018 quarter year at subordinate enterprises of Kyiv Oblast and m. Kiev management of forestry and hunting economy.
3. implementation of scientific developments on the enterprises of Kyiv Oblast and m. Kiev management of forestry and hunting economy.
4. Miscellaneous

He began the meeting of the Board head Alexey Boyko. Head of the Department briefly told about the State Agency for forest resources of Ukraine, which took place the night before, 29.03.2018, which was considered the Organization of work for the protection of forests against pests and disease, on the State of industry science the Organization of work at the enterprises of the industry with equipment of vehicles rejdovih brigades GPS-trekerami.
In addition, participants in the meeting had presented information on the development and functioning of geoportalu "Forests", the introduction of electronic accounting of timber at the enterprises of the industry, the use of product collateral use of forest enterprises the industry.
Agenda caused hot discussion among the participants. Particular concern aroused forecast the spread of pests and diseases in 2018, the 5-6 times in comparison with the year 2017, especially on this fact affect the ban on rallies in the Woods during the period of silence is from 1 April to 15 June, and also taking into account that this year holding spring events in the forest was impossible due to adverse weather conditions.

The head of the civil protection and forest protection – Serhiy Dmytruk reported on the effects of fire period 2017, and the task of forestry enterprises by strengthening and ensuring the protection of forests from fires in the year 2018.
Reported that the annual forest fires cause irreparable damage to nature and the State. The largest number of fires, usually falls in the spring-summer period. On weekends and holidays the forest visits a large number of people, leading to a sharp rise in the sources of the fire.
A few hours of unchecked fire can destroy the entire forested who grew up tens of years, and the losses of needless to say-lick can go for millions.
In order to improve the work of preventing the occurrence of forest fires analysis of the causes and consequences of the forest fires that occurred in the subordinate forests, shortcomings in carrying out works on the disposition and the comparative analysis of the number of forest fires in subordinate to the forests of the State forest Agency in 2016 and 2017. Notice that the number of forest fires management in 2017, is 8% of the total by the year 2016 (Deržlìsagentstvu – 11%), increasing forest fires is almost 1% of the total area by Deržlìsagentstvu (2016 – 5%), average fire in one case, in general management at 12 times less on average by Deržlìsagentstvu (2016 year is 2.4 times).
Emphasized that one of the main tasks of the workers of forestry is to save forests from fires. Because in order to grow, you need years and decades, and fire a few minutes can destroy several hectares of forest and minimize long-term work forest wardens to nothing.
The scale of this phenomenon in the first place depends on the natural and climatic conditions
The main cause of forest fires, as a rule, there is a human factor, halatne treatment with fire in the Woods
In order to improve the work of preventing the occurrence of forest fires:
1. Analyzing the production meetings businesses causes and effects of forest fires, that emerged in the subordinate forests, and shortcomings in carrying out of works on their elimination, take additional measures for the proper organization of public forests, readiness fire departments for immediate response to fire and timely transfer of information about forest fires.
2. Arrange the verification of readiness of subordinate forestry enterprises to counteract Eucalypt in spring and summer, and take action to bring the functional State of the fire trucks, water pumps, adapted for firefighting equipment, ensure fuel lubricants, necessary equipment, equipment, means of communication, staffing employees to schedule.
3. Creating and keeping in the woodlands mineralized strips, fire breaks, the repair of observation towers, fire water and roads fire assignment, clearing the forests of zaharaŝen, in the first place adjacent to settlements, openings where air power lines, oil-, gas-and product pipelines.
4. Organize to prevent the occurrence of fires in natural ecosystems raids and patrulûvan forests and outreach through the media for avoiding burning remnants of vegetation, debris and dry period.
5. Together with law enforcement agencies to organize control of compliance of enterprises and population requirements of fire safety and environmental legislation in the woodlands, torfoviŝah and sìlgospugìddâh, the special attention paid to avoiding burning remnants of vegetation, debris and dry period in the woodlands, lìsosmugah, sìlgospugìddâh and torfoviŝah.
6. To take measures for strict compliance with the rules of fire safety in forests of Ukraine during the process of burning porubkovih residues during harvesting of forests and clean it from cluttering. Prohibit the burning of porubkovih remains in the dry and windy weather and the outside of specially equipped sites.
7. Continue to work on maximizing the coverage of forest fund of modern systems of surveillance, osnaŝennâprotipožežnihpìdrozdìlìvmobìlnimizasobamipožežogasìnnâ type of forest fire, tractors for delivery of water, motopompami and other fire equipment, arrangement of required number of reservoirs, equipping them pìrsami for water intake.
8. To ensure proper interaction with subdivisions of the DSNS in the areas and timely involvement of all possible forces and means for extinguishing forest fires.
9. During the events of reforestation to practice creating a buffer zone of hardwood in areas that directly from sìlgospugìddâmi.
Head of Boyko, o. l. extended report on as quick localization of the fires, in particular clearly coordinate, develop plans for the požežonebezpečnij period. Noted the need to strengthen the work with the public for presenting objective information in the media, especially in the požežonebezpečnij period.

Chief State Inspector of the Department of supervision of AIC and SCS main administration of Deržpracì in Kyiv Oblast and the city of Kiev is Already in. A. and the head of the Department of supervision of AIC and SCS main administration of Deržpracì in Kyiv Oblast and the city of Kiev-Gruzevič s. the present report on the status of labor protection in enterprises, subordinated to Kyiv Oblast, and m. Kiev Office of forestry and hunting economy "by the year 2017 and 2018 quarter of the year.
Speakers reported on the fact that at present all the forestry enterprise manage permission Deržgìrpromnaglâdu to the beginning of works and equipment operation hazard (Shelterwood, timber and transportation of forest exploitation derevopererobnogo equipment)
For the purpose of prevention and prevention of occupational injuries asked:
-Note the heads of subordinate forestry enterprises in personal responsibility for creation at every workplace safe and harmless conditions, given this special attention to prevention and roz'âsnûvalnìj work, raised demanding the production subdivisions for safety;
-information about deadly accidents, which took place at the enterprises of the industry to prove under the signature of the production units;
-to analyse the circumstances and causes of accidents, which enters in navodilis and taken effective measures to eliminate the deficiencies which can lead to a recurrence of accidents from similar causes and recurring instructions for work with the relevant categories of employees;
-strengthen control over compliance with the requirements of the safety on the nižnoskladskih works, logging works and during the operation of tractors, machinery and vehicles that forestry ventures;
-to ensure the passage of the timely training of officials in educational institutions;
-to ensure the funding of measures for the improvement of working conditions and prevention of occupational injuries in accordance with the law of Ukraine "on protection of labour";
-unconditional execution of technical workers of enterprises requirements responsibilities labour protection;
-efficient operation of labour protection services, directing its actions on a systemic institutional control of the state labor protection and prevention of occupational injuries;
-operational administrative and public control over state labor protection with the participation of trade union assets and, II, III and IV levels.
Subordinate lìsogospodarskim the enterprises forbidden conclude agreements with entities that:
-do not have the permission of the Chief Administration for Deržpracì to work with increased danger;
-not provided training of employees on the OP;
-not had the appropriate training and employees that do not have a relevant qualification certificates;
-not provided their employees with protection,
workers don't have the relevant qualification certificates
workers decorated the contract
The priority of our work is the prevention of occupational injuries, prevention of accidents, not eliminate them.
Chief of Administration was accented on the observance of safety rules and instructing employees of enterprises.

The representative of the UkrNDLGA, the Deputy Director on scientific work of SE «Kyiv LNDS – Savuŝik m. p. and representative UkrNDLGA, senior researcher of the scientific part of the State Enterprise "Kyiv LNDS – Šlončak GA. told the audience about the status of implementation of scientific developments on the enterprises of Kyiv Oblast and m. Kiev management of forestry and hunting economy.

Report of the representatives of the State Enterprise "Kyiv LNDS» started cooperation with SE «Teterìvskij forestry, which started in 2000. Director of SE «Teterìvskij forestry was Kolodiy y. o.
Savuŝik M. P. told about the following issues, namely:
-lìsonasìnnevì areas of age because of their need to constantly update;
-the problem of drying sosnâkìv. You need to develop the issue of restoration of the drying of sosnâkìv, as well as the scientific development of the increase of stability of forests, caring young cuttings.
In turn the Šlončak GA. told about the test with viroŝenim seed production plantations.

Also, the head of the Department-Alexey Boiko stressed the lìsokulturnoï campaign and the need for active involvement in the promotion of the public and representatives of other Governments.

The first Deputy Head of the Department – Ruslan Gouzenko reported regional selections of international competition "youth in the forests of Europe".

Deputy Head of Department – Taras Vaskiv reported on the status of labor protection in enterprises management.

Head of the regional organization of the Trade Union of workers of forestry – Larisa Degtâr said bezzaperečnìj the support of trade unions and disrupt the transmission of forest farms in concession (the right of temporary use of private entities).

Read more source: LÌSOLÛBI (Union of foresters and forest defenders of Kyiv region)