Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
Hot lines
State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Cherish "green friend"

That’s the second month of summer. Since ancient times, July has always pleased the people of the hot weather and this year in the forecasts of forecraphs it will not lose their positions of high temperatures, but not everyone intelligently uses the gifts of nature, which leads to a terrible disaster.

Huge damage to the forest causing forest fires. This is a terrible distress not only for wood vegetation, but also for all living – birds, animals fade in, and the upper layer of soil is dying. The main reason for their emergence is violation of fire safety rules by holidaymakers and other people who are in the forest. In a few minutes the fire can destroy what was created by the caring hands of the Lissivnikov of several generations.

Forestry subsidiary «Dymerske Forestry» constantly produce a number of events aimed at timely detection and prevention of forest fires, namely, create the mineralised strips and spend their care, put posters and stands on Natural protection and fire-prevention topics, for recreation of population create recreational areas, and also conduct discussions and lectures with the population.

In the spring-summer period of this year the state forestry created 508 kilometers of mineralized strips and conducted with mineralized strips of care 814 kilometers.

It was time to collect the gifts of the forest-blueberries. Those wishing to enjoy this berries are very much. It should be remembered that careless thrown shortages can for decades destroy the place of collecting berries. With high summer temperatures the fire is quickly spread to a large forest area.

I would like to remind the guests of the forest: Remember that only the high culture of fire, observance of fire safety rules, will save for us and the next generations, singing of birds, whisper of green leaves, charming incense of forest flowers, the opportunity to collect the gifts of forests- Mushrooms and berries.

Forestry of the State enterprise “Dymerske forestry” warn visitors of the forest – be vigilant, follow the rules of fire safety in the forest, because the protection of “green friend” from fires – the moral duty of each member Society.

Director of SE «Dymerske Forestry»
V. I. Hlushchenko