Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
Hot lines
State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG
Materials of the IV Congress of Forestry of Ukraine
On September 25, 2018, the IV Congress of Forestry of Ukraine, the main goal of which was to convene common decisions on ways of overcoming the artificially created crisis in the forest industry, further development and reforming of Ukrainian forestry Based on European standards and expertise. 427...
Se "Ivankivsky forestry". "Quiet Hunt" 🍄🍄🍄
In the midst of the mushroom season. This pore everyone can take a basket, bucket, bag, backpack and go to the forest to collect mushrooms. However, some of them may happen to be the exact place in your baskets.
Opened exhibition Lisderevmash 2018
On September, 25th, the 17th International Exhibition of equipment and technologies for forestry, woodworking and furniture industry Lisderevmash started its work in the International Exhibition Centre in Kyiv.   In 2018 the exhibition represented more than 150 companies from 17 countries of the...