Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
Hot lines
State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG
“… Poor my forest, he completely choked …”
Біднесенький мій ліс, він зовсім задубів! He was waiting for me and thinking about separation. Already November sneaked due to oaks and a grove removes a golden wig. Sinite day like late cabbage. It was raining, and then it was winter. Poor my forest! - he lowered the...
Happy Independence Day!!!
Love Ukraine, as the sun, Love, Like wind, and herbs, and water... In an hour of happy and in the joy of a moment, Love an hour of adversity. Love Ukraine in a dream and an existing, Cherry's own Ukraine, The beauty of her, always live and new, And the language of her...
Rattles! Fertile time comes, The nature of the luxurious choke permeates, The land of the fruit-forming torrential rain, And the wind over it makes a stormy, And from the west The Dark Cloud is flying – Rattles! Rattles! The Tai Chi permeates the people-- Apparently, a fertile...