Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Henceforth, the State Forest will be able to attract violators to the responsibility for illegal ruble-Khrystyna yushkevych

Recently, the government adopted a decree “on amending the clause 7 of the State Forest protection regulations.”

“Henceforth the officials of the State forestry will be able directly (rather than through the petition to the prosecutor’s office) to sue the court on Reimbursement of damages for illegal ruble, violation of fire safety requirements, hunting rules and other requirements of forestry and hunting Economy. This will reduce the time from revealing the crime to punishment,-explained T. V.O.. Head of the state agency of forest Resources Christina Yushkevych.

Note that the changes are developed in accordance with the laws of Ukraine “on the prosecutor’s office” and “on amending certain legislative acts of Ukraine in connection with the adoption of the law of Ukraine” on the national Police “, which amended the article 91 of the Forest Code of Ukraine.

According to the regulation, the State Forest guard has the status of a law enforcement agency. The purpose of its activity is implementation of legal, forest-security and other measures aimed at preserving, extended reproduction, non-exhausting use of forest resources and objects of animal world.

The regulation on the State Forest protection also contains a norm that the state forest can deliver a person-offender to the bodies of internal affairs (and now – National Police) or in local government, if it is impossible to establish a person to Location of the offence for preparing the protocol on the administrative offence,-said Christina Yushkevych.

Press-Service of State forestry