Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
Hot lines
State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG
This forest is alive. He has good eyes
This forest is alive. He has good eyes Noise winds in his head Starrezni stumps, Koslati Potrochi Chronicles of silence write in the grass Oak Nestor looks through his fingers On white Waltz Joyful Berwith And a sleepy mushroom in the emerald Kumfaya The rain was drunk and the...
Fable of the Forest
So it happened that the forest burned... Many beasts were scared, How about a fire that got to know For what thou shalt take from the wasteland?.. And some of them came to pass, Order to teach there came. And the wolf one between them was In hard work the day he had...
Fighter "Bear": he had a long time to really
If you closely follow the TV news from events in the east of the country, the "bear" fighter could be seen on the screens of many channels ("1 + 1", TSN, "Ukraine", "Inter", DN public Television) – he told spectators about the situation at the front. At the war "Bear", and in civil life a small...