Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

SE "Dymerskiy forestry. Save the forest-zberežem life!

We were lucky enough to be born and live among amazing nature of Polissya. Among the forests with clean and salubrious air, among the herb meadows, fancy lawns.

Forests-the lungs of our planet, they have invaluable ecological, social and economic values involved in the formation of the climate of the planet, provide oxygen process harmful emissions, preserve water resources, is the Habitat of numerous plants and animals, provide food and a healthy environment for people to help keep the fertility of soils and landscapes.

And lately we somehow forget that this beauty needs protection and careful attitude. After all, the beauty of fast break down the fire, garbage, own negligence.

Every spring with the onset of dry weather increases the risk of fires due to uncontrolled burning of vegetation work. These actions lead to environmental pollution, and fire can displace on the lìsosmugi, the forests, the home territory. A few hours of unchecked fire can destroy the entire forested who grew up tens of years, and the losses of needless to say-account can go for millions.

Known as požežonebezpečnij in the same time period begins with a seasonal warming. Since April, a month after the East of snow cover, in the forests of Ukraine comes a period when the sharply increases the risk of forest fires. In this responsible and stressful time of forest protection works in a special mode.

That is why the State Enterprise «Dymerskoye forestry “to the beginning of fire period directs a number of urgent measures for the timely detection and prevention of forest fires. This spring, the observation towers will be installed a comprehensive system response to wildfires “Azimuth”, which is the transfer of the WI-FI pass vìdeokartinku in real time about the State of fire safety in the entire training.  To limit the number of visitors to our forests overlap Gates unplanned roads are full houses and billboards on fire and nature conservation theme, creates the required number of mineralized strips and care them.

24 in lìsopožežna forestry station is equipped with 3 firefighters and fire module and does not work with equipment and fire equipment, and in the next lìsnictvah, who, having received the signal of the forest fire, immediately take the necessary measures for the localization.

So at this time you must behave so as not to prejudice our good old friend. And the fire of disintegrating in specially designated areas, and be sure to put it upon leaving. We must remember that somebody carelessly thrown butt, vuglinki of campfire presentations can lead to trouble. There a wildfire, which resulted in ginutime grown not one generation of the forest and all its residents.

Please note that violation of the rules of fire safety in forests entails both administrative and criminal responsibility.

State Enterprise «Dymerskoye forestry appeals to all residents of the region: do not abuse the complaints of forests, not rozvodte bonfires in the Woods, or near it, and if you see the fire in the forest is let in forestry telephone emergency service 101. Remember that the forest fire easier to prevent than to repay.

Be careful with fire, love nature and appreciate the noble work of foresters!

Director of SE “Dymerskoye” forestry and Glushchenko