Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

The Deputy Head of the State forest agency Volodymyr Bondar checked the work of a number of forestry enterprises in Volhynia

Recently Deputy Head of the State Agency of forest resources of Ukraine Volodymyr Bondar worked in Volhynia. Together with the head of Volyn OULMG Alexander Kvatirkom in the framework of working visit of the visited state-owned enterprises Maneviččini: Kolkìvske, Manevicke and Gorodotske forest.


The State of readiness to lìsokulturnoï campaign, safe harvesting and processing wood, prospects of development of canning plants, economic and social problems caused by the massive vsihannâm of pine plantations, staffing and social protection the workers of the industry is far from complete list of questions, which today is touched.

Volodymyr Bondar said that for future planning and development of forestry enterprises, it is important to know the real picture. Without demonstration performances and decorations. During today’s visit succeeded.

Forestry enterprise, with the work which examined the officer a different power. But all are the same task is the preservation and enhancement of forests. It is a big responsibility to local communities in particular and Government in General. This stressed the Deputy Head of the State forest Agency, communicating with managers of forestry enterprises.

Maneviččina, rich pine plantations, particularly suffers because of the increase in cells change. The problem, unfortunately, is obvious and visible everywhere.

– Understand: increasing volumes of cuttings, we naražaêmosâ to criticism and negative on the part of the public. But we have no right to sit idly by and must do everything to save the forest, “stressed Vladimir Bondar. – Meet with people, to explain to, tell. There is a need – vezìt in the forest and show what is happening. But in any case you can not stop this fight.

Another obvious problem that is not yet resolved at the State level, there is a lack of electronic accounting of timber in other users. Trains from nemarkovanoû wood, moving cars of Volhynia (witness what became the participants of the working trip) also cause a wave of resentment in the population. Because people perceive it as the illegal transportation of wood exactly foresters, not knowing that the other users of forests does not extend the obligation to make data on zagotovlenu wood to a unified system of electronic accounting.

It should be noted that the corresponding project is developed and approved during a meeting of the governmental Committee on the economic, financial and legal policy, the development of the fuel and energy complex, infrastructure, defence and law enforcement . The relevant draft resolution of the CABINET of MINISTERS still has to be adopted at a meeting of the Government.

Not touched by the attention the issue of deepening the processing. Vladimir Bondar noted in particular the work of Skolivskiy and Manevitskiy lìsokompleksìv forestry enterprises. Underscoring that, despite the problems and unequal competitive conditions with the private sector, State-owned forestry enterprises continue to make investments in the development of this direction. Because it is pìdviŝennnâ the rationality of using wood, including one that has a low demand from buyers, and, accordingly, is extra.

The special uniqueness of the Volyn Vladimir Bondar said, visiting the company store “Treefolk and canning plants, which not only preserved, but also to remain profitable. The official stressed: it is necessary to do everything to ensure that they worked, have evolved and meet all current standards. The Deputy Head of the State forest agency pledged volinânam support.

Press-service of Volyn OULMG