Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
Hot lines
State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Strict observance by all hunters safety rules of weapons management-the main condition of safe hunting, preservation of their life and health

Kyiv Regional and City Kiev management of the forest and hunting economy urges all hunters to adhere strictly to the main rules of the round hunting, clearly and implicitly to follow the instructions of the steward hunting, rules of use hunting Firearms!
Strict observance by all hunters safety rules of weapons management-the main condition of safe hunting, preservation of their life and health.
The guards are forbidden to stay in the field with the charged weapon. According to the preliminary arrangement of hunters, stewards and detachment are allowed to shooting in the area of smooth-bore arms only by the animal, which is decorated with a license that comes out of the round, ie in the opposite direction from the small line.
The hunter has to fulfill the order against the direction of shooting and sector bombardment. Leave the number of the hunter without the permission of the steward is strictly prohibited.
Each shooter must know the location of neighboring numbers and the entire small line, which shooters to disguise in their places should show each other their location. Firing along a small line and outside of its sector of shelling is strictly prohibited.
During an all-round shooting, charge and discharge the firearm hunters must only on the room and on the signal of the steward hunting.
It is strictly prohibited before hunting and drink alcohol during its carrying out. Persons drunk before shooting are not allowed.
Forestry areas urge the hunters to manifest the high culture of hunting, which will provide a good rest, unforgettable impressions of communication with nature.

      We ask and residents of the region who visit the forest, remember that Saturday and Sunday – days of hunting, to be careful and moderate, avoid staying in the hunting grounds, where shooting is carried out.