Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
Hot lines
State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

A seminar meeting with the representatives of Personnel Services was held.

In order to improve the qualification of employees responsible for organization of work with personnel of public forestry enterprises of Kyiv region, 25 July in Kyiv Oblast and M. Kyiv administration of forestry and Hunting Economy (hereinafter – Management) chaired by Deputy Chief of Department Oleksandr Tsysytsyra and head of the sector on personnel management and legal support of the management of Oksana High A seminar was held.

The seminar was attended by employees of the subordinate management of enterprises responsible for organization of work with personnel.

Among the guests were Lidia Basmat – expert on labor law and human resources management.

The main subjects were:

-Transfer, work with the collaboration and combination, temporary patronage at the enterprises;

-Maintenance and organization of work with personnel at the enterprises;

-Order of organization and conduct of military records of recruits and military personnel obligatory;

-procedure of preparation and submission of materials;

Press-Service of Kyiv regional

and by M. Kiev Forestry and

Hunting economy