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Volodymyr Groisman wants three months to experience the main forester of Ukraine

Prime Minister Volodymyr Groisman proposed to take the head of the state forestry at the 3-month trial period.

In particular, the Extrafaction people’s deputy Ostap unites declared the inaction of forestry management and pushing for concrete reforms. In this regard, he wondered about the groisman, whether the government plans to systematically reform the specified management, forestry administration and the development of forests. Also. He made remarks on the selection of the head of State forestry.

Groisman replied that today the government is looking for a mechanism for reviving the Forestry fund of Ukraine. “In this regard, I have a very clear suggestion it is up to you, and could you become a co-chair of a working group on work solutions that will allow you to bring in the forest industry? I wanted to offer it in working order, but now I can offer it in the Parliament Hall,-suggested the head of the government unites.

Groisman informed about the intention to create a working group that will take all the problems of forestry. Its work is planned to attract the best experts to “stop barbarism in the Ukrainian forests”.

As for the appointment of the Chairman of the State forestry Groisman proposed to appoint it for probation. ” Our task-to appoint this leader, but I would like this leader to appoint a specific task. We are before the appointment for the trial period for example, three months. Three months later, the person publicly reports that the work was done and define the final purpose. The law allows us to, “-invited the prime.

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