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Deputy Chairman of the state Forestry and head of the Forestry service of Slovenia discussed the impact of climate change on forestry


Delegation of Ukrainian forestry under the direction of deputy head of the state agency of Forest Resources Volodymyr Bondarya is in the Republic of Slovenia with the aim of sharing experience and establishing cooperation.

In particular, today the deputy head of the state forestry of Ukraine Vladimir Bondar and the Head of Forestry service of Slovenia Damjan of Orava discussed the influence of climate change on forestry.

They toured the forested areas, which, due to climate change over the last 5 years, began to suffer from snowstorms, scabies and wind-passes.

As Damyan pointed out, the area of the forest after the wind shaft was to be developed until May, however, due to the long winter, they did not have time to do so and now there is a heightened danger of scabies.

The permit for holding a sanitary pipe provides Forest service. If the trees more than 10 cm in the diameter of a tree mark carries the Forest Service in the state and private forests,-he said.

Besides, Volodymyr Bondar, deputy head of the state forestry together with the delegation, familiarized with the experience of forest renewal and timber harvesting in Slovenia.

According to Slovenian Litsivnikov, 97% of reforestation is a natural renewal. When wood is used gradual and selective chopping. The fertile composition of the natural renewal is regulated by the parameters of the Rubok – less illumination of the territory – will be more restored spruce and fir, more lighting – there will be more beech trees. In addition, the subsequent forestry can regulate the composition of the care chopping.

Ukraine has a very interesting experience of Slovenia to run forestry. We have common problems such as the spread of pests that leads to fading. In Slovenia rather quickly the forestry decide on the sanitary tubes, so the mass drying of trees they do not allow. Also in Slovenia is a very high percentage of natural renewal, which means that the forests are more resilient to various pests and illnesses. They use selective and gradual methods of wood billets. This is a good experience for Ukraine, because we also actively go to such methods,-said Volodymyr Bondar, deputy chairman of the State forestry.

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