Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Se "Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky forestry". Forest culture.

Today a lot of attention is chained to the forest industry. Civic control plays a major role in shaping forestry strategy. Unfortunately not competent "analysts" and pseudo "environmentalists" manipulate concepts and teach the fundamentals of forestry, as it is necessary for customers.

Our task-to increase awareness of people, to do at least so that the questions that arise to the Lissivnikov have been substantiated.

Thus we start with an elbow. We will understand the elementary concepts.)

Today we begin to publish a cycle of notes about forest culture.

Forest culture – artificial forest plantations, created in accordance with the liciorous technologies.

The creation and cultivation of forest crops is one of the main tasks of modern forestry.

The main advantages of forest crops before the natural restoration are:

-Providing the optimum composition of future woodmills;

-Preventing the unwanted changes of rocks in the forest;

-Ability to enter into the forest plantations of fast and valuable breeds-introducents;

-reduction of the term between the forest scar and the emergence of the next forest plantations;

-Providing rational biological interaction between the breeds of directional and placement.

The area, selected under the creation of forest crops, is called the forest-cultural area.

It is a part of the forest-cultural fund, which understands the totality of forest cultural areas, which have to be treated by forestry or state forestry in the planned period.

There are four main categories of forest-cultural areas:

-cavities and lawns that came out from the agricultural use, log houses and old Reptycha with Truhlâvimi and the Vykorchny Pzhi; Plots with rarely placed areas that do not interfere with solid plowing;

-Log buildings, refishing and lawns, which did not renew the main breed, where on 1 hectare is placed up to 500 PCs. Pniv – for the excessively moistened, and up to 600 pniv – for fresh and dry soils, which allows to perform partial tillage of stripes or furrows;

-Log buildings, refishing and lawns, which did not renew the main or sub-main rocks, where on 1 hectare more than 500 PCs. On raw soils over 600 PCs. -on fresh and dry soils, which allows to prepare the soil with furrows or ground after a partial feeding of pines;

-log houses, which are unsatisfactory by the main threshold or have been updated with muscular rapids, as well as liquified plantations with thick pidliskom, requiring partial tillage.

The state of forest cultural areas is determined by the state of forest cultural area:

-Log-house-the sign is a characteristic of preliminary plantations, the time of chopping, the presence of natural renewal, its composition, origin and condition;

-Rezhrycha-characterized by origin (lowland, underground or horse fire), the terms of the fire and the age of retaking, the degree of cluttering, etc.;

-cavities and lawns are determined by origin (frame or reryche) and age with which the deterioration of physical and chemical properties of soil are connected;

-Land, which has emerged from agricultural use and is characterized by low productivity or inaccessibility for agriculture of territory, Erodovani slopes etc. The establishment of forest crops requires significant costs.

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