Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Order of the Kiev Regional and M. Kiev management of forest and hunting economy from 17.11.2016 № 87 "On prevention of illegal preparation and realization of Christmas trees in the new Year’s season 2017"

On execution of the Order of State forestry of Ukraine from 15.11.2016 of the year № 404 “on measures to ensure protection of coniferous plantings from unlawful poaching in the New year period 2017″, the order of Kyiv regional State Administration from 19.11.2012 № 497 “on measures to protect coniferous forests from illegal runes in the New Year period”, guided by articles 19, 28-1, 91, 105 the forest Code of Ukraine, articles 13. 21 of the Law of Ukraine “on local state administrations”, article 2 of the Law of Ukraine “on the national Police”, in order to prevent the illegal preparation and implementation of New Year’s trees in the New year period of 2017, Kyivlis. Gov. Ua Kyiv regional and M. Kiev management of forest and hunting economy, with the purpose of illumination of work and publication of events, which conduct subordinated to forestry departments of Kyiv region, proves to the attention of the public order of Kiev Regional and M. Kiev management of forest and hunting economy of 17.11.2016 year № 87 “on prevention of illegal preparation and realization of Christmas trees in the New year period of 2017,” every citizen before the New year holidays can be personally acquainted With volumes, places of realization, contacts of persons responsible for realization, prices on Christmas trees on our site. Citizens will be able to buy a Christmas tree directly in the State forestry.

       You will also be able to check the legality of the Christmas tree on-line. Self-adhesive labels, which are a compulsory attribute of each legal tree, contain an individual number and corresponding to it a barcode code, which is added to a single system of electronic accounting of wood. Christmas trees depending on their origin can be conventionally divided into legal and illegally extracted. In the first case, coniferous trees are specifically grown for 4-7 years by forestry enterprises on the sites of the Forest Fund (plantations) or harvested during the forest care activities. Illegally extracted are considered saplings, which were arbitrarily shifted private persons on the territory of the Forestry Fund without a special permit, that is, are stolen in forestry. Verification of legality of the tree origin will be made by introducing the number from the self-adhesive label, which is attached to the Christmas tree, on the site in case if the information on the site is absent – it may testify about the questionable origin of the Christmas tree. It should be noted that self-adhesive labels are made of special paper, which prevents them reuse, as they are completely destroyed when trying to glue them. The absence of a self-adhesive label on the tree means that it is extracted illegally. So, while purchasing a “legal” tree, we recommend that you review them carefully, and if you have any doubts, you should refuse to purchase them.  For committing an unauthorized rubok imposed the administrative penalty “… Illicit porubbka and damage of trees and shrubs; Destruction or damage of forest crops, seedlings or seedlings in forest nurseries and plantations, as well as a young natural origin and self-extracting in areas designated for forest renewal-entail imposing a fine on citizens from five to Ten tax-free lows of citizens ‘ incomes and officials-from seven to twelve tax-free lows of citizens ‘ incomes… ” Century. 65 blending). Also, the offender is obliged to reimburse the damage caused to the forest, depending on the thickness of the barrel illegally cut wood. If a scar is done a few new-year trees, and the size of a forest damage is recognized as a substantial, the offender can be prosecuted for art. 246 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.