Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Harvesting and storing forestry seeds is of great importance!

Forestry in our country is an independent industry of social production, which is engaged in studying, accounting, cultivation of forests, protects them from fires, pests and diseases, regulates the use of forest in order to satisfy the needs of national economy. Forestry includes all the forested lands of the State Forestry Fund, Forestry enterprises and institutions, etc.

At the same time the restoration of forests is being restored and forest arrays are laying out. The forest-protecting lanes for protection of soils from wind and water erosion are created. All forestry works are carried out on scientific basis, taking into account recommendations of forestry-science about life of forest and its cultivation.

Restoration of forests can be conducted in both natural and artificial way. Artificial plantations create when the forest areas after the chopping is not carried out restore the main forest formation in a natural way or in other cases. For example, to conduct relevant research.

The main condition for the creation of high-performance, biologically sustainable and economic forest plantations is to supply forestry enterprises with high-quality seeds with good hereditary data. To do this, the forestry enterprises are distinguished and created permanent forest-seed base (plнb).

As of October 1, 2018. State forestry enterprises, which are subordinated to Kyiv regional and Kiev forestry and hunting management was prepardecorated:

-Oak acorns – 17310 kg;

-Lime seeds – 43 kg;

-Seeds of Maple – 23 kg;

-Birch seeds – 215 kg;

-Chestnuts – 173 kg;

Ensuring proper care and preservation of certified facilities of the permanent forestry base, their efficient use, harvesting of high-quality seeds of conifers and hardwoods, its processing and storage, as well as maintenance of preservation The standard garden material in the volume and the range of necessary for the implementation of forest-cultural works will allow to achieve high performance in the work with forest renewal and forest breeding.

It should be emphasized that every forest tree breed is a unity with its specific environment. Thus, pine is typical for sandy soils, alder-the plant of river floodplain, and oak is a typical representative of forest-steppe fertile soils, where it grows in a mixture with other deciduous rocks (lime, maple, hornbeam, etc.). The unity of the forest with its environment is controversial and it is manifested in their continuous interaction.

Each plant passes a certain life cycle, which provides a consistent change of the stages of development – from birth to aging and die-off. The change of generations and dissemination of this species is performed by each plant of the corresponding quantity of seeds.

The main function of the seed is the formation of young plant organisms, capable of full repetition of the whole cycle of individual development from the origin to the dying, inherent to the maternal plant.

Unlike herbal plants, the stage of maturity in trees is long enough and depending on the breed can pose 80-100 years or more. With age of yield of trees grows, which is connected with change of their physiological state, increase of size of crowns and quantity of fruiting shoots.

In the first years of fruit-bearing trees the quality of seeds is low. With the onset of the period of persistent fruiting it raises.

In the stagnant plantings decreases the life of trees, and therefore their reproductive ability, and comes faster than the poorer forest-plant conditions. Size and weight of seeds decrease, their sowing quality decreases.

Provision of forestry with high-quality seeds of trees and shrubs with valuable hereditary properties in sufficient volume is possible in the presence of permanent forest-seed base (hereinafter-PLYNB) and a clear organization of collection of seed raw materials, its Processing and storage.

Bumps and fruit are harvested in the first place on the objects of Plpla. The volumes of forest seeds are determined, taking into account the provision of the garden and excision of the forest, protective forest breeding, laying of forest nurseries, creation of the reserve fund of seeds due to the frequency of fruiting.

Gathering of seeds of certain groups of Woody breeds has its own characteristics. For example, a large seed of beech, oak, walnut, chestnut is harvested after it is falling. First, it falls empty and damaged seeds, something later – healthy and high-quality.


Therefore, harvesting and storage of forestry seeds is of great importance to restore high-performance, biologically sustainable and economic forests, which are the lungs of our planet. In solving the issues of natural forest species restoration it is necessary to take into account the comprehensive support and advanced financing of scientific base of forest seed crops: selection of the best populations and trees, laying out and studying of the test cultures.